Translating your Mapbox map

When you set up your Stockist account with a Mapbox key, Stockist uses imagery from Mapbox to show the map on your store locator.

Mapbox’s standard imagery will show the place labels for countries, cities, neighborhoods, and points of interest in English. If you would prefer to show the labels in a different language, this can be set up by creating a custom “style” in your Mapbox account.
Normally you’d create a custom style if you wanted to customize the colors of the map, but custom styles also allow you to change other aspects of your map like the language of the labels.

Creating a translated map

To create a new map with translated labels, you can follow the steps in our article here for creating a custom Mapbox style:
The specific changes to translate the labels are:
  1. In step #5 of the linked article, click on Place labels in the left panel of the map editor. Then, scroll down the options panel that appears and change the Language option to your desired language:

  2. Repeat step #1 above to change the language of the following additional components:

        - Natural features
        - Place labels
        - Point of interest labels
        - Road network
        - Transit
        - Walking, cycling, etc.

  3. Continue with the rest of the steps in the linked article. Once you've published your style, reach out to our support team with your style URL (from step 10 in the linked article) and we're happy to help set up your Stockist account to use your translated map style on the appropriate pages.